In Manhattan, KS, there are two court’s of law where you may have old convictions: 1. The Riley County District Court, and; 2. The Manhattan Municipal Court. While the differences between the courts are important if you are attempting to get an expungement of old convictions in either court, the requirements will be very similar. Depending on the conviction you must wait either 3 or 5 years from the “final disposition” of your case in order to successfully get an expungement in Manhattan, KS. Most felonies require 5 years, while lesser crimes only take 3 years. It’s important to note, however, that you must have a clean record between the final disposition of your case and requesting an expungement.

This is because as part of your expungement request you will have to submit and affidavit (which is a document that you sign and swear to it’s truthfulness) that states you have not been in trouble for x number of years. This affidavit will also have to include things such as your current job, place of residence, and other contact information. Once submitted, a motion for expungement may still require a hearing. During this hearing, a Judge might ask you questions about where your living and your job status, among other things and the County or City Prosecutor might even try to cross examine you. If you have an old Manhattan, KS criminal conviction that is holding you back from applying for jobs or seeking other employment, contact a lawyer in Manhattan, KS that can help you get an expungement of these old charges so you can move on with your life.

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